If you haven’t any plans for the weekend yet, why not join one of the over 900 Worldwide Photowalks? I just discovered this nice social idea which Scott Kelby initiated for the third time this year. You have to hurry up though: The walk is on July 24th, that is on Saturday.

What to do? Visit the official website, search for your city or region, join your local photo walk and shoot away! Every city chooses a winning photo for the great worldwide contest.

Near Stuttgart, we have to local photo walks:

Well, if I wasn’t handicapped at the moment, I’d really think about joining one of them. Meet some nice photo enthusiasts, get to know one’s own place better, go for a nice photography outing: I like it! Of course there’s also a  Flickr group to send all the photos to …

To be quite honest, I’m not so sure what to think about those prizes – smells like a lot of marketing to me. But anyway, the prize wouldn’t be my motivation to join a walk, as I said. So, if you go, have fun, and don’t forget to tell us afterwards what it was like!